jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014



GENTILE: Sucreño
The department of Sucre, in their 10,917 km²de extension, with a population of 900,000 and an average temperature of 27 ° C. It borders the departments of Bolivar, Cordoba and has coasts on the Caribbean Sea. This valley offers a great geographical diversity and a culture rich in natural sites , accompanied by great artistic and cultural potential , reaching a varied folkloric shows that are composed in great attractions for tourism in its different forms. The Sucre are called “coastal savanna” and its population consists of people pushing and festive. The most prominent economic activity is livestock. Agriculture has been much growth in recent years. In relation to agriculture, besides cassava, rice, sesame and many other crops, yam, which Sucre is the first producer in the country stands . Ethnographic types of each of the five sub-regions that are distributed in the 25 municipalities , tourist destinations offer a wealth enviable landscape , including an exquisite gastronomic exhibition that allows visitors to make your stay pleasurable and enjoy rivers , sun and beaches, all these framed with the unique personality and warm sucreña humane treatment of our people .

OTHER MUNICIPALITIES AND TOWNS: Buenavista, Corozal, San Marcos, Tolú, Sincé, Sucre, San Onofre, San pedro, Sampués, Coveñas.

CAPITAL: Sincelejo
Also called the “Pearl of the Savannah”, this city has about 290,000 inhabitants. It was founded by Francisco Sincelejo in 1535 and was named “Francis Sincelejo." What characterizes this beautiful city is the agricultural and livestock production. In this city the inhabitants celebrate the traditional corralejas carried out on January 20, when the festivities of Sincelejo are held every year.

many tourists come to visit the coastal area of Morrosquillo Tolu and Covenas, to enjoy the Sun of the breeze and the sea, accompanied by the joy and generosity of the sucreños.

SPORTS: in this city the most practiced and most watched deports is boxing and cycling, in these categories are highlighted JOSÉ PÉREZ SERPA, cyclist, and CARLOS JOSÉ TAMARA PATERNINA boxer

FESTIVALS: Numerous visitors from all over Colombia come to enjoy the festival of orchestras, the festival sabanero accordion corralejas traditional livestock fair.

ART: Art in the field is: PANIZZA RAFAEL AND EDGAR GUEVARA painter.

MUSICIANS: ALFREDO GUTIERREZ, accordion. This great sucreño character plays accordion surprisingly, also dances and sings. It was 3 times "King of Vallenato Legend Festival”. And he was the one who formed the musical group “The corraleros Majagual”

AIRPORTS: Las brujas- Corozal, Tolú - Tolú, Coveñas – Coveñas.





 Hi everyone! My name is Stephani Guerra Vélez. I have 20 years old, I am a student of architecture, I live in Medellin with my family, I am four semester. I love dance and i work out every days. In my free time I always listen to music and I share with my family and friends. I like to be with my family, meet new people and try to make the best, in the future I would like to travel and learn about the architecture of places such as London, Madrid, Germany.

Hello! my name is Mauro Davila. I'm seventeen years old. I am from Buenavista-Sucre. I study petroleum engineering and I'm in second semester. My hobbies are to draw anime, listen to music, go out with my friends to shopping centers and play sports as football and voleyball. I would like in the future to meet many places and cultures around the world and I think that to learn English will be very important for that. I think that my best qualities are my sense of humor, I consider myself a good friend, I give a good advice, I really care about the people I love, I'm someone very thoughtful, I like laught of myself, help to other peoples, among other things.

Hello! My name is Carmen Hoyos. I am 26 year old and studying political science at the National University of Colombia. I am from san pedro a municipality of the northern coast of the Department of Sucre. What i like to do is cook. See independent movie and my passion are definitely sport. I play indoor football and team that wakens my passion is Real Madrid... I consider myself a person calm and respectful with others do not like the disrespect. So the life has taught me that when you respect others then you start to accept it.

Hello! My name is Camilo Garatejo. I am from of Paipa Boyaca but it born in Bogota Colombia I am studying mathematics in the National University, I have 22 years old i am live in Medellin during the university and in vacations going to Paipa I like the eating and study also the sport  most of all bike ride. I am one person calm and funny I enjoy being friendly.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014



This blog created by students of the National University of Colombia medellin headquarters. We're going to show a variety of things about the department of Sucre and tourist attractions. typical food. culture and other things of interest. All this in order to motivate people from other countries or other departments. To visit it and know more about our culture. In the course of time we will publish and informing them about this beautiful apartment.